NasheKrashe Design Thoughts

Collection of thoughts on design related topics, mostly branding and UX.

Design Audit vs. Design Consulting — A Safe Save

Design Audit vs. Design Consulting — A Safe Save
Design audits and design consulting are two powerful approaches to improve and refine a business’s visual strategy, but they serve...

3D Shapes & Illusions: Creative Procrastination

3D Shapes & Illusions: Creative Procrastination
Recently, I caught myself in a weird balance between doing real work and straight-up procrastination. It’s all about 3D modeling...

Should designers charge more for big corporations vs. small clients?

As a designer, it's tempting to charge more for a big corporation than a small client, and honestly, that instinct...

Redesign now

Redesign now, before you are forced to. Everything flows — everything changes. Heraclitus nailed that idea over two millennia ago,...

Subjective and Objective Aspects of Logo Design: What Are You Really Paying For?

Putting a price on a logo design may be tricky. When you're paying for a logo, there's more going on...

You just paid 50-70k for a mass produced car and you are looking for a logo under 1k?

You just dropped $50-70k on a brand new car, knowing full well that it’s going to lose 20-30% of its...

AI Branding: Hopes and Limitations

AI Branding: Hopes and Limitations
AI for branding is a hot topic, and for good reason — it promises speed, efficiency, and cheap design solutions....